What is Chronic Renal (Kidney) Failure - CRF?
CRF is a disease which may remain asymptomatic/occult for several years, and may Acid Reflux Treatment even ten years Beverages That Cause Acid Reflux, Change Your Lifestyle$anchor$ existence before Acid Refluxthe Foods To Avoid That Causes Acid Reflux becomes evident. At that time, it is usually very Howacid The reason for Acid Reflux hidden nature of the disease may be because even a limited portion of the kidney remains capable of meeting the demands of the body, i.e. excretion of waste products from the body. Even in early cases of the disease, the symptoms are so vague, that one can hardly suspect the presence of this disease unless one is highly aware of its possibility, with the result that, usually, the patient reports when the disease Acid Refluxthe Foods To Avoid That Causes Acid Reflux gone to a fairly advanced stage. In such a situation, even lifelong dialysis, at varied intervals, may be required, which is an expensive affair. In such cases, if there is no dialysis, it means no life. One can thus clearly imagine the fate of those who cannot afford even a single, or more than a couple of dialyses.
What are the causes of CRE?
There are only 4-5 common causes of CRF, and if one reads them, it may look simple but the situation is different. The causes relate to common diseases, which the person has not taken note of out of ignorance, neglect or apathy. The causes are:
1. Undetected / uncontrolled
- (i) Diabetes mellitus (Diabetic nephropathy)
(ii) High blood pressure (Hypertensive nephrosclerosis)
(iii) Glomerulonephritis (GN)
(iv) Urinary tract infection (UTI)
2. Indiscriminate use of drugs
The above-mentioned diseases responsible for CRF are very familiar ones, and Theright only need to detect and confirm them in time. In other words, one should not allow these diseases to remain concealed in one's body. As already explained in the related topics, these diseases go on progressing very slowly, day by day, for years together, and still remain subclinical, i.e. the patient feels no symptoms whatsoever, and thus, they act like 'silent human killers'.
A patient may suffer from more than 1-2 diseases at a time. It is also possible that one disease may be detected at one time, and some others still may remain in a dormant form, in a particular case. The incidence of these diseases may vary from country to country, and even within different areas/ communities of the same country. In some places, chronic GN may be more common, while in others diabetes and/or hypertension may be more Acid Reflux Medication However, one may not be able to detect any such disease, or any other disease responsible for CRF in a particular patient. In other words, the underlying cause/s of CRF may remain undiagnosed, and this usually happens when the patient reaches hospital in an Acid Refluxacid Reflux And The Cure Apple Cider Vinegar terminal stage, when both the kidneys have been fully damaged.
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